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Hi. I’m Claire Bywater and thank you for visiting my site.

I’m a full time artist living and working in Nelson, New Zealand. I'm a late starter to painting, but I've always been a keen photographer. Painting has allowed me to combine the realistic details of a photo and mix it with memory and imagination to tell its own story. 

 Currently I'm working on a series of rooms, where each gives you a hint of the next one, as if you could walk through my virtual house. Keep an eye on social media for progress.

 #️⃣clairebywaterartist on insta

Accessible Artwork


My overriding passion, and reason for this site, is to make artwork accessible in different ways and not be the exclusive preserve of a gallery. Original paintings with so much detail do take many hours of work. By scanning the original, a high quality print (giclee) can be made at a reasonable price.

An artwork usually has a story behind it, which adds to its meaning and interest. Next to the gallery image will be a brief explanation about the inspiration and details about print options and prices. 


I was brought up in South Devon, England and after 2 careers, 2 children and a move to New Zealand, It took me a while to arrive at this point.  Raised in a crafty household, drawing and creating things has been a constant companion from my earliest childhood.  Most of my adult life has been spent teaching: first Social Work and then design sketching and drawing. I’ve been very lucky to work with inspirational staff and students in this second field which taught me so much.

All was ticking along very nicely until we were literally jolted out of our everyday lives by the earthquake series of 2010 /11 in Canterbury. Every aspect of daily reality was changed and it has been a major influence on my life and subsequent direction.



Brief Bio

As 2014 drew to an end, we found ourselves at the empty nest crossroads and decided to create our own shake-up with a move to Nelson for a new phase in life. So after many years, I’m having a third career. I’ve come out of the artistic closet and am now painting and periodically creating wearable art full time. It’s a case of the teacher now doing what she used to talk about! That is, when she isn't procrastinating......

© 2019 by Claire Bywater. Please do not reproduce images without permission.

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